Then is Now Artbook Verlag – Publikation der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, anläßäich der Intervention und Ausstellung in der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Sky of Stones Artbook Verlag – Publikation anläßlich der gleichnamigen Installation im Stephansdomn, Wien
Amor sucht Psyche Publikation anläßlich der gleichnamigen Intervention im Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz, sachsen-Anhalt, Juli – September 2018
Mit Blick auf Monet Artbook Verlag - Peter Baldinger, Andrea Bischof, Bodo Hasset, with texts by the curator, catalogue for the identcally named exhibtion.
Barock – since 1630 Belvedere, Vienna, catalogue for the identically named exhibition. With texts by Georg Lechner and Alexander Klee
Peter Baldinger – Paperdeath Artbook Verlag, with texts by Carl Aigner and Matthias Boeckl
Peter Baldinger – Beethovenbeet Artbook Verlag, booklet published on the occasion of the identically named intervention by Peter Baldinger at the Kammergarten of Unteres Belvedere, Vienna. With a text by Alexander Klee.
Baldinger – TintoCORretto Artbook Verlag, catalogue for the identically named exhibition at the Eboran gallery in Venice, with texts by Matthias Boeckl and Tina Teufel
Peter Baldinger – Further Steps Artbook Verlag, book published on the occasion of the identically named intervention by Peter Baldinger in the presidential office at the „Leopoldinische Trakt“ of the Wiener Hofburg. With texts by federal president Heinz Fischer, Alfred Rauchenstein and Alfred Weidinger.
Peter Baldinger –History Steps Artbook Verlag, book published on the occasion of the identically named intervention by Peter Baldinger in the presidential office at the „Leopoldinische Trakt“ of the Wiener Hofburg, as well as the exhibition “Faced Squarely” at the gallery Elisabeth Michitsch, Vienna, in Oktober 2010. With texts by Agnes Husslein-Arco, Michael Krapf and Matthias Boeckl
Baldinger – Facebook Artbook Verlag, with a text by Silvie Aigner
Baldinger – Beletag Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, with a text by Matthias Boeckl
IstanbulHalleinLineUp – Peter Baldinger, Malerei und Zeichnung von 2006-2007 with contributory texts by Wolfgang Ullrich, Martina Berger-Klingler and Ulrike Guggenberger
Baldinger – Kollektives Unbehagen Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, with texts by Anton Gugg, Ulrike Guggenberger, Tina Teufel and Wolfgang Mierl
Idyll. Der Fall der Fassaden exhibition catalogue, Galerie Schloss Mondsee, with contributory texts by Barbara Herzog and Udo Leuschner
Vom Tafelbild zum Wandobjekt, Zum Sammlungsbestand des Museum der Moderne Salzburg Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra. issued by Agnes Husslein-Arco
evolution. Die Entwicklung des Museum der Moderne Salzburg 2001-05 Salzburg
HeimaRt. Die Rezeption des heimatlichen und typisch Österreichischen in der Zeitgenössischen Kunst (catalogue for the identically named exhibition at the Deutschvilla), Strobl am Wolfgangsee, with an essay by Tina Teufel
retrospektiv. 10 Jahre Galerie Schloss Puchheim (catalogue for the identically named exhibition at Galerie Schloss Puchheim), OÖ
Kunstankäufe des Landes Salzburg 2001-2003 catalogue by the cultural office of the provincial government of Salzburg, Salzburg
Kunstschauplatz Salzburg, Lexikon zur Malerei, Skulptur, Grafik und Fotografie seit 1945 Salzburg, Verlag Anton Pustet, issued by Anton Gugg
carpark. Dokumentation zur künstlerischen Gestaltung der Tiefgarage Bahnhofplatz Salzburg. with an essay by Ullrich Mellitzer
Unidentified (catalogue for the identically named exhibition at the austrian embassy) Washington D.C., with an essay by Gottfried Goiginger
Exemplar newspaper project, Salzburg, with texts by Mario Jandrokovic
Duckhunter (catalogue for the identically named exhibition at Landeskulturzentrum Ursulinenhof) Linz, with an essay by Katja Miksovsky
Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bestandskatalog der Österreichischen Galerie in Wien, Band 1: A-F
This is not America (catalogue for the identically named exhibition at Amerikahaus) Wien, with an essay by Stephan Koja